About us

We are a successful entrepreneur couple from Switzerland. For many years we travel around the United States, from east to west, from north to south. We love the country and the friendliness of the American people.
One of our main leisure activities is boating. For us, boating means relaxation, fun, nature, friendship, and much more. We are so excited about the dock line with integrated shock absorber, which has been used for years in Europe with great success. That is the reason, why we are exporting these fantastic dock lines to the United States.
Our goal is to provide the comfort of the dock lines to the American boaters. The shockline that we always have in use on our boat, is the best we have ever tried so far. It provides a tremendous amount of comfort, protects the boat and the dock.
Our boating friends are also very enthusiastic about these dock lines with integrated shock absorber, especially when sleeping on the boat, it is gentle and pleasant. Pounding caused by wind and waves is attenuated thanks to the elastic elongation zone. In every respect a worthwhile purchase for all boaters. Shockline has attractive pricing as it is competitive with other premium lines without the absorbing features.
We can highly recommend the shockline, treat yourself and your boat this high-quality Swiss engineered product!
Gabi Goeldi and Erwin Alder
alderline GmbH cooperates with an innovative, internationally operating Swiss company for rope technology.
This company looks back on over 100 years of experience in the development and manufacturing of ropes. The decades of experience, combined with the most modern production facilities, stand for quality and limitless rope technology. Their specialty is customized solutions and niche products.
The strength of their research and development department, as well as the customer-oriented, modern production, form a solid foundation in this regard – a rope-length ahead for more than 100 years!
Their application of advance manufacturing and testing facilities guarantees you a continued focus on high quality and safety factors in the dock lines.
Quality and innovation have tradition in Switzerland – as well as for us. As an innovative Swiss company, alderline GmbH is the epitome of reliability. We are responsible for the distribution in the United States.